Electrons, electrostatically jumped out, will need 10 thousand joules per electric charge or 10,000 volts to be seen.
In my study, swift strong pressure is converted into kinetic energy for the conduction electrons to Steinmetz jump out from the conductor.
I experimented it with a wire # 2 (about 50,000 nanometers in diameter) cut out into two to have terminals (cathode & anode). then by putting insulator in between the terminals, I have learned a lot of things about the tinier electron radiation.
For an instance on the 3rd April 2003 I've placed three layers (1 mm thick) of egg shell and found out that there were instances that some electrons were scatteringly turning back or veering off if I fired the egg shells. the terminals were 2 millimeters apart.
Without any solid hindrance, the electron radiation's diameter is loosely 30,000 nm on the surface of the said cathode and compressed-ly around 17,500 nm just a few away from the cathide's surface.
Electron radiation
What it means ?
It means that an electron radiation is, in fact, composed of zillion jumping electrons whatever its size (excepting, of course, the tiniest one,i.e., the electron itself).
It also means that if an electron radiation, with enough voltage, is struck on a nickel crystal, as what the Davisson-Germer experiment had done, the particles which compose the radiation will scatter.
Electron radiation's diameter
I've noticed too that the ionized jumped electrons are unifying themselves to form a single radiation and its diameter (2rβ ) is proportional to the diameter of the emitting cathode, so that I came out to the following equation
rβ = 2 Eβ N A 2 e 4 va / me F 2 εo r 2 h c3
The proof that the radiation is composed of many particle rays is also proved in the next experiment.
Electrons Avoid Non-conducting Hindrance
Putting an about 10 000-nm thick cellophane in between the terminals, the electron radiation's diameter reduced and became about 5 000 nm (0.000 005 meter).
When I placed 20 thousand nanometer thicked layers of plastic cellophane the radiation became about 2 500 nm thicked and it even divided into four (each of which was about 400 nm in diameter) if the translucent cellophane is approximately 30 000 nm thick.
Using 5 x 10 - 6 as baseline thickness ( b ) of the electron radiation against 1 x 10 - 5 m thicked layers ( t ) of cellophane (or using 5.0 x 10^7 nm^2 as constant in this particular experiment), we can now calculate either the other diameter ( d ) of the radiation or thickness ( p ) of cellophane through the equation
p = b t / d or d = b t / p
down to the ionic electron or molecule of the cellophane.
The fact that electron radiation sometimes divides into four 400-nm thick particle rays and that zillion atoms have emitted it are the evidence that it is not a single particle but composed of many particles. Only keen eyes with a lens system can see such infra-tiny electron rays at proper distance, angle, illumination, and air sensitivity.
This experiment gives us some implications : (1) through medium we can deduce that electron radiation is moving unitedly or unifiedly, (2) if coercive it will split into portion rays to pass through in a penetrable insulator, (3) the trespassing electron radiation is growing thinner as the hindering insulator is growing denser, and (4) electron radiation, as possible as it can, avoid the insulator, and (5) cellophane has minute holes (tinier than water's molecules) by which electrons can pass through.
A 5-centimeter thick layers of the same cellophane rigidly compressed into tiny clump can apparently let pass only about 1 nanometer thick electron radiation, but with this condition, electron radiation chooses to find another way, that is usually, an open air.
With this we can revised the old belief that particle must travel in straight path. The fact shows that particle radiation can travel even in an odd path.
Why an electron radiation is avoiding an insulator ?
If all atoms are containing electrons and yet electron radiation avopid the insulator of certain solidity and thickness then the insulator's surface atoms have electrons which cannot easily knock off, whereas conductors have knockable surface electrons.
Every object, whether conductor or insulator, is made up of atoms.
Dentured (pierced) in those atoms are the electrons. The deeper the denture, the higher ionization energy (or voltage) is required to pull it out. As a consequence, those electrons dentured in upper most or valence layer of the atom are easily pulled out.
It is a fact that electric resistance ( Ω ) increases in tinier direction (i.e. increased length of a conductor in a constant cross-sectional area).
By deduction, electric wire is made up of conductive atoms, so that those atoms are electric conductive.
Capacitoric elevation ( < ) is linear in direction in the atom and we can get it by subtracting the pierced-heisenberg's length L (or the length of the electron denture) from the atom's radius ( r ).
< = r - L
Theoretically, as the denture ( L ) of the electron is farther away from the internal center of the atom, the stronger the capacitoric electric resistance ( Ω ), so that electric attraction is capacitorically stronger in the deeper region of the atom (requiring stronger/higher voltage to pull out the root of the piercing-electron from that region or layer of the atom). If this is correct, then we can calculate the capacitoric (internal atomic) electric resistance ( Ω ) possibly by the equation
Ω = ρ < / π r 2 ,
where ρ is the conductor's electric resistivity (in ohm meter), < is the capacitoric elevation (in meter), π is the constant pi, and r is the atom's radius (in meter).
The deeper, the more electrically active (for electrons).
It is a fact that electric resistance ( Ω ) grows weaker in voluminous direction, if linear length is constant at certain limit.
In an atom, this voluminous direction is equivalent to concentrical (pauli) direction.
The deeper the pauli layer, the higher its pauli electric resistance ( Ω ) , so that electricity cannot easily disturbed the deeper layers of the atom.
If this formula is correct ,
Ω = ρ r / π d 2
( where r is the atom's radius, and d is the distance of the pauli layer from the internal center of the atom), then we can calculate the pauli electric resistance of a pauli layer in the atom.
Thus, the deeper, the lesser electrically active (for rhutherfordic nucleons).
It came to happen that those shorter dentures (or valence electrons) are very active for insulator's atoms' bonding activity, so that eventually the so-called free electrons (which we called tribonic or disconnected pengraletic electrons) are those with longer denture (or those more deeply pierced in electrons, which have higher ionization energies).
Electron radiation knocking on the insulator will need much higher energy to knocking-ly ionize the insulator's atoms, breaking the insulation, and in effect letting the atoms to convey electricity.
The ordinary insulators we usually encountered are huge to be ionized by ordinary electron radiation.
As the insulator, however, grows smaller, the number of its molecules (or atoms) decreases and the effect of knocking radiation grows appreciable. With the size of gaseous molecule, the electron radiation with 10 000 volts per millimeter can overcome the harder dentured electrons and ionize or split the molecule. As a result, the molecule's insulation breaks down and the electrons can be Redoña pulled out and/or Steinmetz jump out, producing a current. This phenomenon explains why lightning happens.

Artificial Lightning
For an instance, by applying 3 ½ million volts, air molecules on a high-voltage rig are ionized and about 5-meter long artificial lightning has jumped over a section of a 1300kV transmission system.
The Redoña pulled out electrons jumping out from the atoms, ionizing their host or recipient and letting to conduct electricity are what we called Steinmetz jumping electrons. Lightning and electric shock discharges are composed of Steinmetz jumping electrons.
The experiment I have done has implication that the conductor's atoms are having valence electrons that are tribonic and also have more-deeply-dentured-electrons which are busy for bonding activities. If this is right, then the popular electronic configuration (specifically about valence) is referring to the insulator electronic configuration of the element.
Atomic number 1 to 18 with insulator electronic configuration are shown here symbollically.
The valences are grouped into masculine (protruding) and feminine (sucking) valences.
The noble gases have very unreactive valence. Hydrogen valence is hermaphoditic (can either protrude or suck pengraletic electron).
The valence electrons of insulator are active for bonding activity.
Edison Jump of Electrons
This effect is opposite to the Steinmetz's, for it is a jump inward to the heisenberg passages, whereas the Steinmetz's is a jump away the said passages. as the Steinmetz radiation ionizes or split molecules, electrons de-ionize them by Edison jumping, getting rid off the 'tartar' (i.e., left behind kinetic energy) from the heisenberg passages. Photons are the causer of this kinetic energy, which may be derived from voltage or radiation. balanic repulsion (i.e. the atomic magnetic push) exerts between molecule's atoms as those kinetic photons are 'trapped' in the, theoretically, heisenberg passages. when electrons jumped coercively in the heisenberg passages, those photons are forcefully ejected, in a form of neutrally charged electromagnetic ray.
Theory : A jump of electrons from one atom to another is accompanied with ionization or split of in-between molecules and with an emission of electromagnetic ray (e.g., if strong, visible light).
Theory : Emission of light is due to the ionization or split of molecules and hit by charged particles (i.e. electrons).
Fact : the strike of strong-enough electron radiation in air can cause emission of visible light, hence it is visible as radiation.
Corroborating samples of evidence for the light emission phenomenon are as follow :
1) Lightning
2) Electric shock emission
3) Atom smasher discharge
4) X-ray production
5) A Lighted path of radiated charged particles,
B Fire formation,
C Edison's failed light-bulb experiments, and
D Fluorescent Lamp.
The radiation of particles (deuterons) passing in air ionized the air molecules, giving off visible light.
Discharges of electrostatic traverse between insulator
Sensitive eye with lens system and proper angle between light & dark can see a 500-nanometer thicked electric shock emission. This suggests that enough number of shocked jumping electrons are needed to enough number of ionized molecules to become visible.
Lightning, natural or artificial, has more than enough number of electrons & molecules ; likewise, atom smasher discharges have numerous charges, that's why can become visible.
Experimenting with electric shock I've noticed that the shadowy part of a white paper, above of which I put the terminals, gone as the electric shock ray traversed the air between the terminals. The shadow, however, exists on the region where light ray is prevented to strike to.
By deduction, the tiniest element's units involved in this activity are the atoms. It is a fact that those terminals of wire and the air are both composed of atoms of elements.
The cathodic atoms have Steinmetz-ejected electrons to the air molecules, which are then to be ionized and immediately de-ionized by Edison jumping electrons. if it is correct, Steinmetz ionizing electrons and Edison de-ionizing electrons are necessary to emit electromagnetic ray.
In X-ray production the split of molecules involved are permanent so that the cathodic terminal is distantly but directly firing on to the anodic terminal. The anodic terminal being clogged by heavy traffic jumped electrons is affected down to its more-deeply-dentured electric charges, which if Edison-jump can result to the emission of X ray.
If the cathodic and anodic terminals are connected, explosion will happen to disconnect or split them.
This splitting explosion is prevented by permanent split of the conductor of high melting point.
Such breaking explosion was, in fact, the reason why the first trials of Thomas a. Edison to light electric bulbs were failure. Molecules of the metallic filament he had used had always Edison-jumped once and never reconnect because they combined with the air oxygen. to prevent the combustion or catalytic effect of the molecular oxygen, Thomas Alva Edison had discovered the importance of the noble gases in evacuated bulbs. Unlike oxygen, noble gas does not 'kidnap' filament's surface atoms; for this reason, the tendency of the had Edison-jumped atoms is to avoid the noble gas and immediately recombine to their former attachment.
Edison-jumping electron is apparently a particle with an elastic kinetic energy backwardly moving to its former condition in the atom. Fluorescent lamps have this to produce light. In such a lamp the glass tube is evacuated with air but has had introduced with mercury vapor at low pressure. As the electricity Bohr-stretches out the filament's electrons, those surface electrons will be Steinmetz-jumped out and hit the mercury atoms, which stretch out the mercury's electrons, somewhat like a strenuously stretched rubber sheet. As the Steinmetz emission left behind those atoms, the mercury's electrons will Edison-jump back to the atoms' heisenberg passages, coercing to 'brush out' the extra photons attaching (or suspended to be reflected) on the atom, emitting those photons in a form of ultraviolet quanta.
The increased length ( l ) of the atom is inversely proportional to the emitted quantum of λ , according to the formula
l = h c @ / 2 λ m ç ,
where l is the added (increased) length to the atom's size, h is the Planck's constant, c is the speed of light, @ is the atomic temperature-length constant (in meter per 1 kelvin), λ is the layer-stretchability lengthy (traditionally, wavelength of the intruding electromagnetic quantum), m is the atom's mass ( in kilogram), and ç is the atom's element's specific heat capacity (in joule per kilogram per kelvin).
The atomic temperature-length constant ( @ ) can be calculated by multiplying the atom's length (i.e. diameter, including its two pengralets at opposite directions at 1 kelvin and atmospheric constant) to the element's temperature-length constant ( t ) and diving by 1 meter .
t ÷ @ = 1 meter ÷ atom's length
The element's temperature-length constant (t) is the increased length to a one-meter long element at a temperature of 1 kelvin and atmospheric pressure. We can know this by dividing the room-temperature (25° C = 2.9815 x 10² kelvin) from the thermal expansion length of an element.
Thermal expansion length ÷ (2.9815 x 10² K) = t
Thermal expansion length is the length increased to a one-meter long element when increased its temperature by 1 kelvin at room temperature and atmospheric pressure.
For example, mercury's thermal expansion at 25° C (or 298.15 K) is 6.04 x 10 - 5 meter per meter per kelvin, and therefore its thermal expansion length is 6.04 x 10 - 5 m or 0.000 0604 meter; divide it by room-temperature (in kelvin unit),
(6.04 x 10 - 5 m) ÷ (2.9815 x 10² K)
then we can have 2.025 825 9 x 10 - 7 m/K as the mercury's temperature-length constant ( t ). Suppose that the mercury atom's length is 2.64 x 10 - 10 meter, by multiplying it to mercury's t and dividing by 1 meter we can now know the mercury's @ (atomic temperature-length constant).
(2.025 825 9 x 10 - 7 m/K) x (2.64 x 10 - 10 m) ÷ (1m)
tem-length constant atom's length element's length
= 5.348 180 3 x 10 - 17 m/K ( @ = atomic tem-length )
So that, presumably, a mercury atom's length 2.64 x 10 - 10 m increased with 2.309 228 2 x 10 - 12 meter is emitting a quantum of λ 0.000 000 01 m, if the mercury's specific heat capacity is 13.81203 joules per kilogram per kelvin and its atomic tem-length constant is 5.348 180 3 x 10 - 17 m/K.
If correct, then in emitting ultraviolet λ 1 x 10 - 8 m the mercury's atom's length 2.64 x 10 - 10 m will theoretically increased 2.309 228 2 x 10 - 12 meter in Bohr stretching out or Steinmetz jumping out and decrease the same amount of length in Edison jumping in of the electrons. Thus, Edison-jumping electrons act as drills, cleaning the surface (valence) of atoms from extra photons. those photons are the cause of kinetic energy of moving electricity or radiation which when attached on the atoms can cause balanic (atomic magnetic) repulsion, known as heat.
Every element or substance has a particular reaction to a particular quantum or lectricity. this may suggest that every element has its own Wien's radiativity (b) or absolute Wien's atomic displacement constant, calculable by the equation
b = h c / 2 m ç ,
so that the atom's emitted quantum of λ (in meter) is determinable by the formula
λ = h c / 2 T m ç ,
where T is the temperature (in kelvin) of the atom, giving us a direction that the emitted electromagnetic quantum E (in joule) is determinable by
E = 2 T m ç ,
where m is the atom's mass (in kilogram), and ç is the element's specific heat capacity. If this is correct, then the emitted quantum's energy is twice as the amount of the absorbed heat content of the mass at the same temperature and specific heat capacity. If this is correct, it may suggest that ½ of the energy is busied in attaching on the atom and the other half for external balanic function causing acohaeric condition.
The true size (length) of an atom or a molecule is determined if it has zero temperature. When it absorbs energy, either from radiation or voltage kinetic energy, it stretches out its capacitoric electrons (reducing the atomic radius) and, if continues, it Bohr stretches out its pengraletic electrons (increasing its length), according to the equation
where L is the atom-pengraletic length (in meter, и is the size-determining atom constant (i.e. 2.307 077 3 x 10 - 28 square coulomb per electric constant), εo is the free-space electric constant, Q is the involved atom's electric charge (in coulomb : Be noted that an electron has an electric charge 1.602 176 487 x 10 - 19 coulomb), ρ is the atom's element's electric resistivity, K is the temperature (in kelvin0 of the atom, m is the atom's mass (in kilogram) ç is the lement's specific heat capacity (in joule per kilogram per kelvin), a is the product of π r (where r is the atomic radius in meter), and m is the electron's mass-energy (in kilogram).
This stretching, in certain condition and in effect, is an act of the atom to dial its 'tuner'. The dialing is dependent on the deepness of the Edison-jumping-in or on the amount of the attaching extra photons.
The more energetic the (voltage) kinetic energy of the hitting electricity to the atoms, the higher its possibility to stretch out the more-deeply-dentured-atomic-electrons, so that when those deeperly dentured electrons have Edison-jumped they will give off more energetic electromagnetic emission. This explains the artificial X-ray production.
It will take higher energy to extract outwardly the deeperly dentured electrons. If such atomic electron of tribons is Bohr-stretched-out, the atom's portion surrounding that tribonic electron will shrank due to the clogging there of the kinetic energy's photons, which cause a balanic repulsion between the atoms. To de-clog or brush out those photons from adhesive attachment on the atom, it will need strong Edison-jumping-in of the electron, drilling them and neutralizing. The neutralized photons will be emitted as a quantum. (It is a form of delayed or suspended reflection of photons.) As the balanic repulsion of the acohaeric condition due to disturbing extra photons is gone, the pengraletic electron will decrease in length and the atoms between it will come closer to each other.
A pengraletic electron is an amalgamation of a positive charge portion of an atom and a negative charge portion of another atom, forming a molecule. It is so because, though oppositely charged, charge positive is congruous to the charge negative and their coition results to a single pengraletic bond, which is absolutely made up of beta-photons. We can imagine those charge portions as 'hands' embracing each other. The 'hand' (or charge portion) that has no embracing partner is what we called ' tribons '.this answers the question, What is pengralet ?
There are certain condition and length that those hands of a pengralet couldn't resist the effect of balanic repulsion to their atoms or couldn't maintain their embracing and, as a result, they detach to each other, cutting the pengralet. (Pengralet with its etymological root-words means jiggling auralet or electron cloud.) The energy needed to break up a pengralet of a diatomic molecule is called the molecule's bond energy.
Images Credits :
artificial lightning and electrostatic discharges - Physics Today The World Book Encyclopedia of Science , Verlagrgruppe Bertelsmann International GmbH, Munich 1984, published by World Book, Inc. Chicago, 19885; revised edition 1987
drawings - Allan Poe Bona Redoña
Electronomic Theory by Allan Poe Bona Redoña
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